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Laura Johnson

Certified Consultant

(803) 237-4901

My Story

Hi! My name is Laura, and I am infatuated with fragrance!  I started selling Scentsy a few months ago to supplement my income a little.  What I didn't know was that selling Scentsy would help me with my anxiety and depression, by giving me something else to focus on outside of work and being a mom.  My Scentsy business is one of the few things that I have that I am completely in control of.  I love staying up when the house is finally quiet and making samples.  I love sharing Scentsy with people.  I love helping people host Scentsy parties, and earn free and half-priced stuff.  I am also doing basket parties now, so you can share Scentsy with your friends on your own time for a week or so, and then you get to see what you've earned! Don't hesitate to hit that "contact" button if you have any questions!